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How to Track Culture Change and Measure Success

miniature man next to the word change being highlighted in yellow

Culture, Culture, Everywhere!

Culture is the heartbeat of any organization. More than the product being delivered, it’s a collection of people with learned behaviors; the shared values, beliefs, and behaviors that define how we work, interact, and achieve goals. And every once in a while, the culture has to be adjusted; change has to be implemented. But once you do, how do you know if your culture change initiative is actually working?

Although “culture” is a nebulous concept for most–it doesn’t easily show up in a monthly P&L statement–tracking culture change and measuring success is crucial for ensuring your organization moves in the right direction. 

Let’s explore the key metrics, evaluation methods, and ongoing monitoring strategies to help you successfully measure its impact.

Defining Key Metrics for Measuring the Success of Company Culture Change Initiatives

Employee Engagement 

When employees are engaged, they're not just more productive—they're also more motivated and very committed to the company's goals. To gauge this, you can try using surveys, feedback forms, and engagement scores. It’s a great way to keep a pulse on how everyone is feeling!

Employee Turnover Rate 

A high turnover rate can be a red flag for company culture. So make sure to keep an eye on your turnover rate before, during, and after any culture change initiative to see if things are getting better. If you notice a drop in turnover, it usually means your work environment is becoming more positive and supportive.

Employee Satisfaction 

This is a great way to get a feel for how everyone is adjusting to the culture change. It’s also helpful to ask about their overall happiness, how they’re feeling about belonging, and whether they see themselves aligned with the company’s values.

Productivity and Performance 

You should keep an eye on both productivity and performance metrics to see if there's a link with the culture change. Then, if you notice improved performance and higher productivity, it might just mean that employees are feeling more motivated and connected to the new culture.


Noticing a lot of call-outs or absenteeism at work? That might be a sign that morale is slipping and people are feeling a bit disengaged. After all, who wants to come to work when the vibe is off, right? So as you focus on improving the workplace culture, keep an eye on those rates to see if they start to go down.

Customer Satisfaction 

You know, a positive company culture can boost customer service! So check those customer satisfaction scores to see if things are getting better. And remember, when employees are happy, it usually means customers are happy too!

Innovation and Creativity 

A lively culture boosts innovation and creativity! Then see how many new ideas, projects, and initiatives pop up thanks to this culture shift.

group meeting holding laptops and ipad

Different Evaluation Methods and Tools Available For Culture Change in the Workplace

Surveys and Questionnaires 

Surveys and questionnaires are very popular for tracking culture change! You can also customize them to dig into different parts of your organizational culture, like engagement, satisfaction, and how well everyone aligns with your values.

For this, you can check out tools like SurveyMonkey, Google Forms, or some awesome employee engagement platforms to get started.

Focus Groups 

These are a great way to get a deeper understanding of the culture change process. By bringing together small groups of employees, you can chat about their experiences, perceptions, and feedback. This approach also encourages open discussion and can reveal underlying issues that surveys might overlook.

One-on-One Interviews 

Having one-on-one chats with employees is a great way to grasp their views on the culture change. You can keep these interviews structured or go semi-structured, which opens the floor for more open-ended questions and detailed answers.

Performance Metrics 

Great for keeping an eye on productivity, efficiency, and overall performance. You can use tools like performance management software, project management platforms, and other KPI dashboards to help you track these metrics easily.

Employee Feedback Platforms 

Have you heard about employee feedback platforms like TINYpulse, Officevibe, and Culture Amp? I was a little late to the party on these amazing tools, but they make it super easy for employees to share their thoughts on different parts of the company culture. These tools also help track trends and pinpoint areas that could use a little improvement.

Exit Interviews 

This is a great way to understand why employees are leaving and how changes in the culture might have influenced their choices. You can take this feedback to specific areas that could use some extra focus.

Ongoing Monitoring and Adjustments 

Changing a culture isn't a one-and-done deal; it's a journey that needs regular check-ins and tweaks along the way. Here’s how to keep the momentum rolling:

Regular Check-Ins

Think of these as the coffee breaks of productivity! You can set up some time to chat with your employees about their experiences and gather their feedback. Say it’s a team huddle, a one-on-one, or just a casual catch-up, make it a time to spill the beans.

Continuous Feedback Loops

Foster a culture where your employees feel like they’re at an open mic night, ready to share their thoughts and suggestions. Use creative feedback platforms, text polling, suggestion boxes, or maybe some quirky surveys to keep the ideas flowing and the vibes high.

Adjust and Adapt 

Be ready to tweak things based on the feedback and data you gather. Changing company culture is a dynamic journey, so being flexible and responsive to your employees' needs is key to making it a success!

Celebrate Milestones 

Throw a party for those milestones and successes—because who doesn't love a good reason to celebrate? Reward the rock stars who truly embody the new culture; they at least deserve a high five or a “Rock On!” Celebrate to boost morale and keep those positive vibes flowing–make work feel a little less like work.

Share Updates on Progress

Make sure to keep everyone in the loop about how the culture change initiative is going! Share updates, celebrate successes, and talk about any areas where we can improve. Being open and honest helps build trust and keeps everyone effectively focused on our goals.

happy group of people throwing papers

Examples of Companies That Have Effectively Measured Their Change Management Success

Microsoft: Embracing a Growth Mindset 

Under Satya Nadella’s leadership, Microsoft transformed its culture by adopting a growth mindset. They started using employee engagement surveys, performance metrics, and continuous feedback to keep tabs on their progress. The outcome? More innovation, happier employees, and better overall business performance!

Zappos: The Happiness Headquarters 

Zappos has turned employee happiness into an art form! With regular surveys, focus groups, and performance metrics, they’re not just checking boxes—they’re crafting a culture where smiles are part of the job description.

By putting their team’s well-being first, Zappos has brewed up a workplace that’s as engaging as it is effective, proving that happy employees make for delighted customers and booming business. Who knew joy could be so profitable?

Google: Fostering Innovation 

Google knows how to foster innovation! They simply keep the ideas flowing by focusing on continuous feedback and making decisions based on data. Using employee feedback platforms, tracking performance metrics, and having regular check-ins, they stay on top of their culture change efforts.

Remember, organizational culture change is a marathon–not a sprint.

Culture change takes time, patience, and a commitment to continuous improvement. Tracking and measuring it ensures your efforts are on the right track. By defining clear metrics, using appropriate evaluation methods, and continuously monitoring progress, you can create a culture that drives business success.

Want to transform your organization's culture? Let's chat! Out of all the topics I deliver, Culture That Rocks is my #1 hit! I've helped countless businesses build thriving cultures that drive results.

Contact me today to learn how we can work together.



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